Unimont Doors – Modern Front Doors
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Your front door is the very first thing a visitor will see and interact with when they come to your home. Front door styles change from year to year, so what’s on trend in front door styles for 2024? UNIMONT Doors is a local Montreal-based company, and we understand that a front door serves as much more than a mere entry point; it is the first brushstroke on the canvas of your home’s facade, a defining feature that can captivate onlookers and warmly welcome guests.

A front door is like the opening sentence of your home’s story. It can grab people’s attention, make them feel welcome, and even show off a bit of who you are. As we step into 2024, we’re seeing some super neat trends that mix the old-school charm with the slick look of modern times.

At UNIMONT Doors, we’re all about creating front doors that are as strong and safe as they are beautiful. We’ve got a list of the seven most popular front door styles for 2024 that we’re really excited about. These styles are about making sure your home is safe, looks amazing, and has a bit of the latest fashion.

Let us show you the cool new front door trends that everyone will be talking about. With our doors, every time you come and go, it’ll feel like you’re walking through the pages of a modern-day fairy tale – a story that starts right at your front step.

Join us as we unveil these top entry door trends, each one a doorway to inspiration and an invitation to reimagine the entrance to your home.

1. Timeless Classic: The Traditional Wooden Door

Let’s talk about a true classic that never goes out of style – the traditional wooden door. There’s something special about a wooden door that’s like your favourite classic book; it has a story to tell and a charm that lasts forever. These doors have been around for ages because they’re sturdy, they look good, and they give your home that cozy, “welcome home” feeling.

Now, not all wooden doors are the same. Imagine you’re in art class, but instead of paints, you’ve got all sorts of wood to choose from – oak, cherry, mahogany, you name it. Each type of wood is like a different colour on a painter’s palette, giving you many cool looks and vibes for your home.

For 2024, these traditional wooden doors are getting some cool updates. Think of it like remixing an old song with a new beat. You might see classic wooden doors with sleek, modern handles or smart locks that make your home look like it’s from the future. Or maybe they’ll have glass panels in cool shapes and styles that let in the light and give your door a fresh, now kind of look.

So, while wooden doors are a nod to the past, they’re definitely not stuck there. With all these fresh twists, they’re stepping into 2024, ready to turn heads and keep being the trusty, stylish front door choice they’ve always been.

2. Modern Minimalism: Flush and Sleek Designs

If you’re into the “less is more” vibe, then you’ll be stoked about the minimalist design trend that’s all the rage right now. Minimalism is like the cool, quiet kid in class – it doesn’t need to show off because it’s confident, just being sleek and simple. And when it comes to doors, this style is a big hit for folks who love that clean, uncluttered look.

Flush doors are the superstars of the minimalist door world. They’re like a smooth canvas – no panels, no fuss, just one flat surface from top to bottom. It’s a sleek style that screams modern. And the cool part? They fit in with just about any wall, so your door looks like it’s a part of the wall itself – smooth and seamless.

At UNIMONT Doors, we craft these flush beauties with materials that are as strong as they are stylish. Think metals that can handle the Montreal weather or woods with a modern twist. And the colour palette? It’s all about neutrals – whites, blacks, grays, and even earthy tones. These colours keep things classy and let your door blend in while still standing out in a minimalist, artsy way.

But hey, if you want a splash of colour, we’re all for it. A pop of something bright on a minimalist door can be like the artwork that spices up a plain room. It’s all about making that simple statement that’s bold enough to be noticed but cool enough not to scream for attention.

So whether you’re redoing your home to make it magazine-cover worthy or just into that minimalist mood, these flush door designs are a smooth move into 2024. They’re the perfect match for a modern home where every line, every colour, and every detail is all about keeping it clean and cool.

3. Glass Paned Elegance: Bringing the Outdoors In

Imagine having a front door that’s not just a door, but also a window to the world outside. Glass paned doors are like that – they let you bring a piece of the outdoors into your home. It’s about letting in all that bright, natural light and making a style statement that’s both elegant and open.

Why Go with Glass?

  • Natural Light: These doors are champs at bringing in sunshine, which can make your foyer feel more welcoming and spacious.
  • Style Statement: Glass panes add a touch of elegance that can make any entrance look more sophisticated.
  • Versatility: They can fit in with a lot of different home styles, from classic to contemporary.

But when you have a door with glass, you might wonder about privacy. After all, you want the light, but you don’t necessarily want everyone peeking in. That’s where the smart design comes into play:

Privacy Options:

  • Frosted or Tinted Glass: Lets the light in but keeps the inside of your home private.
  • Stained Glass: Offers a colourful glow and artful coverage so you can enjoy privacy without sacrificing style.
  • Decorative Films: They’re like a cool pair of shades for your door—privacy with a pop of personality.

And then there’s the energy bit. Glass might make you think of a chilly draft in the winter or a mini greenhouse in the summer, but not anymore:

Energy Efficiency:

  • Double or Triple-Pane Glass: These aren’t just fancy words; they mean layers of glass with insulating space in between. Kind of like bundling up in winter – it keeps the heat in and the cold out.
  • Low-E Coating: It’s like sunscreen for your home, blocking out the UV rays so your space stays cool and your furniture doesn’t get a sunburn.
  • Quality Frames: Paired with glass, a good frame can help keep your energy bills down. We’re talking about materials like fiberglass, vinyl, or treated wood.

At UNIMONT Doors, we get that you want that beautiful, airy feel without compromising on the cozy or private parts of home life. With glass paned doors, you can greet the day and your guests with a bright hello, knowing you’re still keeping things comfy and personal. It’s all about balancing that love for light with the need for a space that feels like it’s all yours.

4. Bold and Industrial: The Statement Metal Door

When it’s about making a statement that’s both tough and chic, metal doors are the way to go. They bring that cool, industrial look right to your doorstep, with a vibe that’s as modern as it is resilient. Here’s why they’re making the cut for homeowners who want to stand out:

  • Modern Industrial Look: The sleek lines and raw appeal of metal doors — think steel or iron — are just right for that edgy, contemporary feel.
  • The Strength Factor: These doors aren’t just about looks. They’re strong, like superhero strong, built to last and stand up to just about anything. And let’s chat about what makes them so good at keeping your home safe and sound:

Durability Features:

  • Tough as Nails: Metals like steel and iron aren’t just sturdy; they can handle the harshest weather without breaking a sweat.
  • Low Maintenance: They don’t need much to stay looking good. A little care goes a long way.

Security Features:

  • Serious Lockdown: Metal doors work great with high-tech locks and security systems.
  • Hard to Break Through: These doors aren’t just a deterrent; they’re a fortress, making them a top pick for security-conscious homeowners.

5. Artistic Impressions: Carved and Custom Designs

Who says doors need to be boring? Carved and custom-designed doors are like the custom sneakers of the home — unique, creative, and totally you. Here’s how they add that artistic touch. For those who want to get personal with their home’s entry, here are some customization Ideas:

  • Family Crests: Imagine your family’s emblem carved into wood — instant heritage vibes.
  • Nature Themes: From leafy patterns to the silhouette of your favourite mountain range, nature can be your door’s signature.
  • Abstract Designs: Why not turn your front door into a conversation starter with an abstract design that reflects your artistic side?
  • Geometric Patterns: Clean lines and geometric shapes can give your door a modern edge — perfect for the lover of all things contemporary.
  • Personalized Monograms: Have your initials intricately carved or embossed for a subtle yet sophisticated personal touch.
  • Cultural Motifs: Celebrate your heritage with designs that pay homage to traditional family or cultural patterns, giving your entrance a touch of ancestral pride.
  • Historical Themes: Choose designs that reflect a historical era you love, from Art Deco’s glamorous lines to the ornate details of a Victorian look.
  • Pop Culture Elements: If you’re a fan of a particular era of pop culture, why not have icons or silhouettes that celebrate your favourite films, books, or music?
  • Artisan Glasswork: Incorporate stained or leaded glass panels with custom designs that catch the light and cast colourful reflections into your home.
  • Interactive Elements: Think beyond visuals with door knockers or handles that invite touch and play — maybe a handle that’s shaped like a favourite object or a knocker that reflects a hobby.
  • Seasonal Carvings: Doors with interchangeable panels allow you to celebrate seasons or holidays with themed carvings that you can change throughout the year.

By integrating these elements into your front door’s design, UNIMONT Doors can help you craft an entrance that’s not just a part of your home, but a central piece of your personal narrative.

UNIMONT Doors is where your vision for a one-of-a-kind entrance comes to life. We blend the best of security and durability with the artistry of beautifully designed entry doors. Whether you opt for the bold statement of a metal door or the personal touch of a carved masterpiece, we’re here to open the door to a home that’s unmistakably you.

6. Smart and Secure: Technologically Enhanced Doors

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, the front door has become more than a mere threshold. It’s a gateway that merges the latest technology with the security and style of your home. UNIMONT Doors is at the forefront of this innovation, seamlessly integrating smart technology into our doors without sacrificing the elegance you desire.

Tech Features for Front Doors:

  • Smart Locks: Imagine locking and unlocking your door with just a tap on your smartphone or with a simple voice command. Smart locks are the game-changers of door security, offering both convenience and heightened security.
  • Cameras: Doorbell cameras are like the eyes you never knew you needed, allowing you to see who’s at the door without even being home. They’re the watchful guardians that never blink.
  • Biometric Entry: Fingerprint scanning has leapt from spy movies right onto your front porch. With biometric entry, your door recognizes you just like your family does.
  • Connectivity: These doors can connect to your home’s Wi-Fi network, becoming a part of your integrated smart home system. This connectivity means you can control access to your home from anywhere in the world.

The beauty of modern tech is that it can be woven into the fabric of your home’s aesthetic. Here’s how we do it:

  • Style Meets Function: Our doors with tech features are designed to look as good as they function. The hardware is sleek, and the tech elements are discreet, blending with the door’s style.
  • Customizable Accessories: Choose from a range of finishes and designs for your smart lock or camera that complement the door’s material and colour.
  • Minimalist Approach: The tech features are minimal in design, ensuring they don’t overpower the door’s look but rather enhance it.

At UNIMONT Doors, we believe that a door equipped with smart technology should be as inviting as it is secure. By marrying advanced tech with our modern and traditional front door designs, we offer you the ultimate peace of mind, knowing your home is safe and sound with the added convenience of smart security. Step into the future with a door that protects, connects, and impresses.

7. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: Green Door Options

As we all strive to make choices that are kinder to our planet, UNIMONT Doors is proud to lead the charge with sustainable and eco-friendly door options. It’s all about finding the perfect balance between caring for the environment and maintaining a sense of style and substance in your home’s design.

Eco-Friendly Materials Making a Difference:

  • Reclaimed Wood: Not only does it tell a story, but reclaimed wood also reduces the demand for new timber, giving old materials a second life.
  • Bamboo: It’s not just for pandas – bamboo is a fast-growing, durable material that serves as a fantastic alternative to traditional wood.
  • Composite Materials: Crafted from recycled wood fibers and plastics, these materials are both eco-conscious and remarkably resilient.

Design Considerations for a Greener World:

  • Energy Efficiency: Look for doors with excellent insulation properties to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, cutting down on energy use.
  • Durability: The longer a door lasts, the less often it needs to be replaced, which is both economically and environmentally sound.
  • Sealants and Paints: Go for low-VOC or VOC-free sealants and paints to minimize harmful emissions and ensure better air quality for your home.

Stylish and Sustainable Can Go Hand-in-Hand:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Who says green can’t be gorgeous? Eco-friendly doors come in a range of beautiful styles and finishes that can enhance your home’s curb appeal.
  • Customizable Designs: You don’t have to sacrifice personal taste for sustainability. Green front doors can be tailored to your specific design preferences.
  • Modern Technology: Pair these materials with energy-efficient glass or smart tech to create a door that’s not only green but also smart and secure.

At UNIMONT Doors, we’re committed to providing you with options that are both environmentally responsible and stylishly appealing. By choosing one of our sustainable door solutions, you’re not just making a statement about your personal style – you’re making a statement about the values you hold dear for our planet’s future. Step through a door that leads not only to your home but also to a greener world.

Your Gateway to Trendsetting Style

As we’ve explored, the front door styles for 2024 offer a diverse palette of styles, from the warm tradition of wood to the sleek edges of modern minimalism, the clear artistry of glass panels to the robust statement of metal, and the personalized charm of beautiful designs to the innovative spirit of smart technology. Beyond aesthetics, the growing desire for sustainable and eco-friendly options reflects our collective consciousness.

Let these door styles inspire your next home enhancement, as they promise not just an entrance but a grand entrance to your abode. UNIMONT Doors is here to help you navigate these trends and find the perfect match for your home’s personality and your own.

Ready to open the door to your home’s new look? Connect with our specialists or visit our showroom to transform these ideas into a welcome reality.

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